Latham to Dance?
It appears as though former Australian Federal Labor leader Mark Latham, may take up an offer to dance after channel 7 has reportedly offered him AU$300,000 to appear on Dancing With the Stars. I won't bother going into what Dancing With the Stars entails, I mean it's pretty obvious, the title kind of sums it up...Mark Latham however, well he is a different kettle of fish... Quite possibly the dumbest opposition leader in Australian Government history, Latham sold out his party and quite possibly himself. The only man who lost the unloosable election, and abused a pensioner in the process. (see picture)
Seven chasing after Latham isn't a surprise, the show has reportedly lost some million viewers when people started catching on to the fact that amateur celebrities really do make amateur dancers. Perhaps Dancing with the Stars' all time bragging point was rejuvenating the career of former KKK member and founder of One Nation Pauline Hansons carreer aspirations.
Hanson recently held a press conference, which doesn't say much for the press that actually attended, to announce that she was contemplating running for either the Senate or House of Reps in 2008. Showing intelligence comparable to Latham's Hanson said that one of the reasons she wanted to run was because a third of black South Africans coming to Australia have TB and some have AIDS, from
Ms Hanson said she had been told by a hospital worker of an African woman with AIDS who had given birth to a child with AIDS.
"There's increasing numbers of TB (tuberculosis) and they have picked up ... It could be almost one third that actually carries TB," she said.
"I have got children, grandchildren ... I would hate to see anyone who may be subjected to catching TB or AIDS
Australian Greens Senator Bob Brown, perhaps summed up Hanson the best... the former fish-and-chip shop owner did more damage to Australia every time she opened her mouth than any immigrant every could.
Hanson is writing an autobiography at the moment, yes, I was surprised that she could write as well, yet she denies that she is trying to boost publicity so some crackpot will buy a copy of her book.
In more Hanson news, the United States proved that it wasn't a stupid as we all thought it was demanding that she explain here 73 day jail sentence and charge of electoral fraud, before issuing her a visa... Hanson was seriously upset with having to travel to Sydney "I was furious when I found out - absolutely furious. I might even have to have my fingerprints taken before they will let me in."
Oh no... Not finger prints, but Pauline what if the person from America taking your fingerprints has AIDS or TB, or a Brain... You might contract something by letting them touch you, I also understand that black ink is actually utilised by foreign governments to infect the soul with all sorts of nasty bacteria.
I don't know why I just went on a bit of a tirade about the two biggest idiots Australia has ever seen, I guess because it's Christmas and I just spent all my money buying presents...
Latham Story available here.
Hanson Story available here and here.
Brown quote here.
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