Bono Turns into English Prat...
In the spirit of the silly season I was going to let this one go, but then decided the season isn't really silly, Yahoo! News is just stupid...It appears as though the geniuses at Yahoo! Entertainment, have decided that Bono is no longer everyone's favorite Irish, part rockstar, part activist and all round good guy... Instead they have transformed him into an English prat whose best work so far has been singing other peoples songs...
Okay, that may be a little harsh, I don't mind the occasional sing-a-long with Robbie Williams, but to find out that Mr Williams was meeting with U.S. Congress officials to talk about issues such as the AIDS pandemic and Poverty was a shock, to learn that he had changed his name to Bono, well that was just disgusting...
The whole article can be found here.
Obviously there was a bit of a mix up at Yahoo! Or someone is just slacking off...
Either way, when the members of the U.S. Congress meet Robbie Williams for anything other than how to make a State Premier pay for your smoking fine (see Beattie to pay Williams fines), will be the day that I officially retire from life!
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