Sunday, December 03, 2006

Labor Party Scoop

Of little interest to our international audience, and just announced a second ago, Kevin Rudd has won the leadership battle 49 voted to 39...


At 06 December, 2006 22:30, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kevin Rudd may well go down in history as the man who saved Australia from the radical right wing imperial government that Howard has forced upon us.

Some points about Howard:

1. He alone made the decision on Australia's behalf to invade Iraq, not the cabinet.

2. He is still the one of the only leaders of the 'coalition of the willing' to acknowledge that the mission is failing.

3. His own Senator George Brandis (Qld) referred to Howard recently as that 'lying little rodent'.

4. Hoards main electoral promise in 1996 when he was first elected to the prime ministership was to clean up parliamentary standards of behaviour and introduce a new code of ethics for parliamentarians

Just a couple of point of interest!



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