Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Quote of the Week...

Whilst I would usually reserve my quotes of the week to texting some witty Denny Crane comment to some friends, and would never contemplate posting it to 'Confessions'. I couldn't help myself when I read this in the Gold Coast Bulletin yesterday.

For the un-informed... Schoolies is the annual school leavers festival which attracts close to 20,000 young barely legal kids to the Gold Coast... Think Spring Break on crack... Toolies are the losers who can't help but attempt to influence the barely legal into doing stupid things, think Bush getting Howard to join the Iraq war...

So the quote of the week...

"Should police be given more powers over schoolies? The answer is yes, and I'd like them to be able to carry sub-machineguns."

Who was the galactically stupid person who said such nonsense? Graeme Downie who is the boss of Surfers Paradise Managment. Downie, who may or may not say such stupid things because of he doesn't like his name, justified his statement with this doozy...

"In many parts of the world, at big events, police are properly armed and prepared for trouble. The toolies are the problem. I hate them and have no time for them at all. You see TV footage of kids having a good time and then you see the police wheeling off an older guy who wants to create trouble. That reflects badly on us as a destination."

Yes Graeme, law enforcement and justice does reflect badly on us as a destination, obviously the sight of police gunning the "toolies" down with their new sub-machineguns, would make the Gold Coast, and Surfers Paradise oh so much more attractive... To Hitler! (I know Hitler is dead, but I am having creative trouble at the moment)

Oh and Graeme, I am not a drug addict, or a toolie that preys on schoolies, I have been referred to as scum, by ex-girlfriends, I also have a Bachelor of Business Administration and a Masters of International Relations, and the idea of Gold Coast Police with sub-machineguns scares me more than Bin Laden, Hussein, Bush and the Boogey Monster knocking on my door... (again I'm sorry had a lot of trouble coming up with something that is scary, and toads just don't do my point justice.)



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