Sunday, February 18, 2007


Two random Monday stories. The first to amuse, the second, well....

1) PM says he's weathered bad polls before

2) "Rudd did not mince words. He cited Howard's "false basis" for Australia's decision to join the invasion, his "misuse of intelligence material to justify" the decision, his "failure" to "articulate a clear cut mission statement" for Australia's "continued participation in the war", Howard's "failure" to develop a "clear cut exit strategy" from Iraq, his "refusal" to explain "his strategy for winning the war", his "attack" on the US Democratic Party as "al-Qaeda's party of choice", and "the Prime Minister's lack of guts and courage in refusing to accept" Rudd's challenge to a national television debate "on Labor's plan to bring our troops home" and Howard's plan "to leave our troops in Iraq indefinitely". The motion was worded as provocatively as possible to try to goad Howard and leave him little room politically to decline." [SMH]

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