Thursday, February 08, 2007

Those Crazy Cat's!!!

The Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations (FAO) has announced, what has been deemed a victory by dog lovers the world over, that Cats or Genus Felis if you know Latin, have the ability to become infected by the current strain of H5N1 (Bird Flu).

As a precautionary measure, FAO recommended that in areas where the H5N1 virus has been found in poultry or wild birds, cats should be separated from infected birds until the danger has passed. On commercial poultry premises cats should even be kept indoors.

The agency advised against killing cats as a virus control option because there is nothing to suggest that cats are transmitting the virus in a sustained way. Removing cats could lead to a surge in rodents such as rats, which are an agricultural pest and often transmit diseases to humans.

This is not the first time that cats have been infected as previous incidents in Thailand, Iraq, the Russian Federation, the European Union and Turkey show. Cats can become infected by feeding on sick domestic or wild birds; they can develop severe to fatal disease and excrete the virus from the respiratory and digestive tracts.

Perhaps highlighting that the FAO has a sense of humour, they posted their story along with this picture...
I'm almost afraid to ask why the file was saved as "Turkish Cat", regardless, felines of the world take note, if you bring about the end of the world as we know it, well, I don't know what I will do, but it won't be friendly towards cats!!!

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