Queensland Parliament takes Stupidity to New Level
I had to laugh during the week when QLD (State) opposition leader Jeff Seeney was ejected from parliament for essentially being an idiot and taking parliament to a whole new low. Last night however, I was ashamed to called a resident of Queensland, when news came out about, quite possibly the most irrelevant being on the planet, and yes I realise the irony of posting about something that is irrelevant, Nationals' MP Rob Messenger, took the parliament to a scene more reminiscent of some f-grade talk show from the US.While debating extra protection for whistleblowers, Mr Messenger on Wednesday night likened the Premier in a dinner suit to "watching a prostitute dressed in a ballgown talking about celibacy".
Mr Beattie yesterday demanded an apology, which he initially appeared to be getting.
"I have had this morning to think about my comments and reflect on my behavior. I have decided that the Premier is right. My comments were unparliamentary and I should apologise. So I wholeheartedly and sincerely apologise to the prostitutes of Queensland," Mr Messenger replied, sending the house into uproar.
The dis-honourable Messenger went further, professing Premier Peter Beattie to be "one of the most disgusting and contemptuous (sic) people to have ever drawn breath in Queensland"....
Obviously we shouldn't expect much from Messenger, he was the baffoon who led a one man protest against Premier Pete during the recent election, where he (Messenger) invaded a hospital with a megaphone and continually berated the Premier, no doubt disturbing patients in recovery...
It's a shame that it is not an election yet in QLD, I am sure that you would likely see either Premier Pete become Australia's first dictator, taking all seats from the opposition, or at the very least, the demise of the National party in QLD state politics. Their actions over the last week or so have been deplorable and bought the entire parliamentary process into disrepute. I feel sorry for all those members of parliament who purely desire to do the right thing and represent their constituents, yet now fall into the same boat as the likes of Seeney and Messenger!
You can decide for yourself the title of that boat!
Labels: Peter Beattie, QLD Parliament
The leadership of the Queensland Opposition has virtually guaranteed that Premir Pete and the ALP have at least two more terms in government. The Nat/Libs cannot win under 'Jeff the ringer' and his trusty offsider the 'red cattle dog', they will then change leadership after the next election and will lose the following one as the electorate will stick with the devil they know rather than trying a new untested brand. Just look at federal politics as the prime example.
Standby for 'Can do Campbell' to rescue the state Liberal party. I can hardly wait - he is also very good at blaming the ALP for everything, so he may well become Prime Minister one day. Seems that's all you have to do these days!
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