Howard suprises... well... me...
Barely 24 hours into the federal election and already I have been shocked by PMJH! It appears as thought PMJH is so keen to take on K-Rudd he has challenged him to a debate already, with conditions attached of course.According to
The Prime Minister wants to bypass the free-to-air TV networks, proposing that the debate be moderated by David Speers from Sky News.
Mr Howard wants a 90-minute debate to be held before an audience in the Great Hall at Parliament House next Sunday night.
In a letter sent to the ALP's national secretary, Tim Gartrell, yesterday, federal Liberal Party director Brian Loughnane suggests a panel of five senior journalists nominated by the National Press Club, including at least one person representing TV, radio and print media.
The debate would be broadcast live and be available to all media outlets on condition that the broadcast was not "wormed" or otherwise changed.
FYI the worm relates to instant polling data which used to accompany the debate proccess, somewhat determining the winner of the debates instantaneously.
Howard's move comes as a suprise as, well let's face it, the guy doesn't debate... His role in parliament is usually relegated to that as a conductor of noise, he leaves the "debate" to others. This is the first time that PMJH has initiated a debate, somewhat disturbingly the extra condition of it being broadcast on SKY News (for Cable Subscribers only) could be taken two ways -
- The PM is nervous about being heard by the Aussie "Battler" who, courtesy of the interest rate rises over his period in office, are now responsible for larger mortgage payments then ever before. This newfound responsibility prevents a number of voters from being able to afford Cable television.
- PMJH doesn't trust Australia's free-to-air networks, something I have to kind of agree with anyway.
As mentioned we are barely 24 hours into the 2007 election and already somethings are becoming clear...
Labels: Australia Decides 2007
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