Saturday, October 13, 2007

And we're off and racing...

1/3 of the trio is back, and having just watched PMJH speed his way through the Governor-Generals' gates it's pretty obvious why... It's officially election time here in Oz, I've been resisting the temptation to commentate until it was called, and whilst it is being called, I thought I may as well start!!!

The date is expected to be the 24th of November, plenty of time for all those negative ads to get plenty of airtime! Stay tuned to see if K-Rudd can beat down the coalition to bring Labor to government for the first time in 13 years or so...

My first bit of commentary has to go towards to high amount of people at GG's gates waiting to watch PMJH speed by, not even a stop to say hello might I add... And what's with the police escort all of a sudden, it used to be a unmarked car, but no longer...Oh and kudos to Sky News for the cut away during the arrival... Nothing better than boasting "live" coverage of his pending arrival, and completely screwing the shot up...

The fun starts now people!

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