Saturday, January 27, 2007

Misguided Question Time?

I received an email from the Misguided Geriatric suggesting, that much like Parliament's based upon the Westminster system, the Misguided Trio start a Question time of their own...

Ok so he didn't really put it that way...

More this way...


I have a submission, perhaps the Misguided Trio blog could have a question and answer section where readers could ask questions of you.

For example, I have the following questions.

Given that Senator George Brandis believes that the Prime Minister John Howard is a 'lying little rodent', did Brandis actually believe Howard when Howard announced that Brandis would become a Minister?

For that matter does he believe it yet, or is he just not going to turn up at the Ministers office on Monday morning to avoid being caught by a Howard 'gotchya'?

Yes Minister!


Not that bad of an idea, and whilst I am thinking that MG's question may have been originally posed as one of rhetoric substance, I may as well throw an answer, well more of a response, out there...

Senator George Brandis, supposed Liberal from Queensland, somewhat famously called PMJH "a lying rodent", following the whole children overboard affair.

From the archives of the Sydney Morning Herald...
According to a statutory declaration signed three days ago by a former senior official in the Queensland division of the party, Russell Galt, Brandis "unambiguously referred" to the PM as "a lying rodent", in relation to the children overboard affair at a meeting in May last year.

That's pretty serious, given that the PM's integrity has been challenged over the matter, and that barrister Brandis has led the defence of Howard in the Senate inquiry into the issue.
Galt swore that "while referring to . . . Hearings of this committee, Senator Brandis made the following two remarks: "He is a lying rodent" and "we've got to go off and cover his arse again on this".

Brandis denies ever calling the Prime Minister "a lying rodent" yet has been known to call him "a rodent". Whilst I am talking about Brandis it may be worthwhile pointing out that when he called Howard a "lying rodent" he wasn't even an elected official. Brandis was appointed to his Senate seat in 2000 following the retirement of Hon. Warwick Parer...

Brandis loves the spotlight, which may be why he was chosen to chastise Sen. Brown and Nettle for disturbing G.W. Bush's address to a join sitting... PMJH was a little bit upset with his response though, when Brandis chose to lable the Greens "Nazis"...

"I intend to continue to call to the attention of the Australian people the extremely alarming, frightening similarities between the methods employed by contemporary green politics and the methods and the values of the Nazis."

Brandis is a showman, calls the PM a rodent, no doubt appealing to the majority of voters, and manages to actually win his seat in the 2004 election.

Brandis has been appointed Minister for the Arts and Sports, making him responsible for, well, considering the States take care of most of the Arts, and the Sports, Brandis's primary responsibility is to look after the National Portrait Gallery and Old Parliament House.

Is the rat deceiving his foe with a faux appointment? Personally I feel that the rat required new faces, and his foe was after more camera time, perhaps the original 'rodent' has manipulated the less intelligent rodents into embracing his Rodentology?

And yes Virginia, I did just call Liberal party members, "Rodents", I also may have alluded to them practicing their own religion called Rodentology, oh, and for the record I am seriously disturbed at just how much time I have devoted to this post....

Then again it's a Sunday and the Entourage Marathon doesn't start for another hour...

(Note: For our Canadian friends, my reference to Liberal Party members being rodents is purely towards the members of the Australian Liberal Party, feel free to apply the same comments to your Conservative Party)

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At 27 January, 2007 20:50, Anonymous Anonymous said...

If Johnny is a rat, and Brandis does not like the fact that Johnny is a rat, could that mean that Brandis is the natural foe of rats?

If so, does that make Brandis a CAT?

More specifically, could it be, given Brandis' love of rhetoric, that he could actually be the 'Cat in the hat'?

Which leads me to the question, where does Dr. Zeus fit into all of these?

STOP! Enough, I am starting to think too much and it's not good for me!


At 28 January, 2007 00:01, Blogger Carla said...

Interesting.... Two points immediately come to mind (quick analysis after a few pints on a Saturday night - keeping Australia Day celebrations alive in Canada!)

1. I have a cousin named Brandis.
2. Funny, because the new leader of the Federal Liberal Party in Canada, Stéphane Dion, has been portrayed as a rat by low media types.

For reference, the federal Liberals in Canada are true 'small L liberals'. How exciting. Tabloid even!

At 28 January, 2007 00:05, Blogger Misguided Trio said...

>>" Misguided Geriatric suggesting, that much like Parliament's based upon the Westminster system, the Misguided Trio start a Question time of their own..."

Good idea MG!!!

The whip is now taking submissions. Send to misguidedtrio 'at' gmail dot com


At 28 January, 2007 02:05, Anonymous Anonymous said...


It may make Brandis a pussy... cat...

At 29 January, 2007 19:52, Anonymous Anonymous said...


You are so inspiring, oh great wise one!


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