Doublemint twins to take on the greens...
As Carla mentions below the Australian Prime Minister John Howard has ventured out of the country for yet another trip to the US, this time including Canada and Ireland on his schedule so it looks like he's doing something more than cavorting on Marine One.One of Howards' "official" duties on his little vacation was to plant a tree with "new" old friend, President Shrub, I mean Bush... Watching the news reports I couldn't help but notice how similar the men's mindsets are, along with the similarity of their shirts and sportscoats...
Action shot maybe?
One more for good measure?
Perhaps Condi Rice said it best whilst toasting the horticultural highnesses' "(I am) able to say to them that any time the United States is on the front lines in the defense of freedom, Australians are by our side, and for that we thank you."
So my American friends do not fear... be it a senseless war...I mean defending freedom... or planting a tree or two... Australia will be there... as long as you ask politely... or just ask... well I guess if it's Howard of Costello in charge... just mention it in passing... or not... we'll find you anyway...
Oh and because I can... a picture of just how strong the hand holding... oops... alliance is...Photos take from here, here, and here
Rice comments from here
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