Sunday, May 14, 2006

'We need to come together like people, not just hair stylists.'

Hello, hello. I've been travelling for three weeks, hence my absence from the blog. Anyways, getting back into the fray of reports and various news (note: travel is awesome). I'd also like to thank Bonyo for posting photos of George Clooney while I was away. You are a doll, love. Also, Mark has photos from a camping trip, UN style, which will be posted soon. And in case you were wondering about the title, god bless 'Blow Out' reruns.

I'll start with Australia's Prime Minister John Howard doing the cocktail circuit in Washington D.C. Now, I did the cocktail circuit three years ago, but whatever, Johnny is expanding his range. And that's great. Wonder if Wonkette and HuffPo will cover it. Probably not, they likely have more interesting people to write about.

A clip from the Whitehouse press release:

"The President will also consult with the Prime Minister on critical regional and global issues. Australia stands as one of America's closest allies and partners, and continues to work with the United States toward the common goals of promoting peace, freedom, and prosperity through fighting terrorism, stopping the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, and promoting an open international economic order."

Note that the Prime Minister's trip to the United States is receiving ridiculously little press coverage, apart from the odd Adelaide paper.

p.s. D-8 Summit.... never really been front in the press. All of a sudden it is. How exciting. More later.


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