Monday, April 02, 2007

Holy Knut Batman

Ok, well, I'm putting that title down to no caffeine yet!

For those of you in Australia who were fortunate to watch Media Watch last night, you probably already know this, for the rest of the world, I wonder if it has been bought to your attention!

Recent Worldwide headlines about crackpot animal rights activists calling for 'Death to Knut'... Knut is of course the pathetically cute polar bear increasing Zoo visits in Germany... Media Watch went to great lengths last night, to explain just how much of a scam it really was...

You can't have missed the story of poor, sweet Knut rejected at birth and raised by a zookeeper only to face calls that he be given a lethal injection.

Journalists were queuing up to talk about those unfeeling animal liberationists.Knut made headlines around the world when activists insisted that he'd be better dead than raised by humans.— Channel 9 (Adelaide), News, 24th March, 2007

…made headlines last week when an animal rights activist suggested he be put down.— Channel 7 (Adelaide), News, 24th March, 2007

Stephanie Kennedy: Now animal rights campaigners argue Knut should be put down...— ABC Radio News, 21st March, 2007

Bob Francis: There's always animal liberationists of some sort will make some sort of bloody comment wont they?— 5AA, 21st March, 2007

Tracy Grimshaw: Now to the polar bear cub at the centre of a fierce debate over whether it should live.— Channel 9, ACA, 21st March, 2007

Lee Lin Chin: ...and animal rights activists want it killed.— SBS, News, 24th March, 2007

Virginia Trioli: Bild newspaper quoted animal rights campaigner Frank Albrecht as saying "in fact the cub should have been killed". — ABC, Local Radio 702, 21st March, 2007

John Laws: As you can imagine the animal rights activists caused an uproar when they said the little bear should be killed...cause they're right aren't they? Anything that cute and cuddly has gotta be dangerous. Idiots. — 2UE, 23rd March, 2007

Well it was all a complete fiction.

The Complete explanation...

Animal rights activist Frank Albrecht (37, window fitter) continued: "Actually, the polar bear cub should be killed."Why? He refers to the Leipzig Zoo, where a baby sloth bear was given a lethal injection in December when its mother rejected it.— Bild magazine, Animal rights activist calls for his death, 26th January, 2007

Frank Albrecht had taken legal action against Leipzig Zoo for putting down another motherless cub.

He lost, when the court accepted the zoo's argument that raising the cub by human hand would be against the law of nature.

So Frank Albrecht raised the obvious parallels between the Leipzig cub and Knut.

For the full transcript go here...

As Media Watch concluded we were told of death threats towards both the animal rights activist and the zookeeper, as host Monica Attard put it...

So congratulations to the world's media for saving a bear that was never facing death. And putting in mortal danger two animal loving men who never intended it any harm.

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