Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Where Else but Queensland?

So here I am at 0630, having just read my morning news catch up before I head in to re-write an entire lecture that I completely screwed up last night...

Then I stumbled across this doozy! Apparently in our fine state of Queensland, when we decide that our State MP's are pathetic, worthless and no longer worth our vote, they take this to heart and have a hard time "Readjusting" to civilian life!

New rules will entitle defeated or disendorsed state politicians to a "resettlement allowance" to help them make the transition to ordinary citizen.

It is understood the State Government will soon sign off on an allowance that will hand dumped MPs the full pay of a backbencher for two months – about $17,000 before tax.

The lucrative perk will add to the allowances already afforded to former state MPs which include two return flights from their electorate to Brisbane in the two weeks after an election.

Former politicians are also entitled to unlimited rail travel and an annual return flight for themselves and their spouse to their destination of choice in Australia, New Zealand or Papua New Guinea.

The resettlement allowance is aimed specifically at former MPs who have brief careers or are too young to gain access to either their pension or superannuation when they are forced out.

It has won universal support from Queensland political leaders of all persuasions...

...The allowance was limited to politicians who retire "involuntarily" through defeat or disendorsement. Those pushed out for reasons of misconduct are not eligible.

Apparently this decision echoes that made in Federal Parliament, which seems pathetic, tell them to do a Latham, get a book deal, and get out of out lives!!!

Does this sound right to you, you loose your job because you mis-represented your community, and because you mis-represented them so well, here, take $17,000... Maybe I should capitulate and run for state office!



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