Thursday, October 19, 2006

Catch up...

It occurred to me whilst reading the International Herald Tribune that it had been a while since I last posted to the Misguided Trio, then I read this quote from Major General William Caldwell the U.S. military's chief spokesman in Iraq.

In reference to the 20% increase in 'insurgent' attacks in Iraq Trib quotes:
'We also realise that there is a mid-term election that's taking place in the United States and that the extremist elements understand the power of the media; that if they can in fact produce additional casualties, that in fact is recognised and discussed in the press because everybody would like not to see anybody get killed in these operations, but that does occur.'

Um yeah ok.... Hundreds of innocent men, women and children, who unfortunately live or were living in Iraq are getting killed because... um... Hang on... What the hell is Caldwell saying?

Tony Snow, White House press secretary any comment?

'Terrorists try to exploit pictures and try to use the media as conduits for influencing public opinion in the United States'

So if the terrorists are taking pictures, why don't you take care of them whilst they are taking these pictures?

Oh hang on...

They aren't taking the pictures, they are creating the pictures... And the media takes these pictures that were created by the terrorists and use the pictures to influence public opinion in the United States...

Because the terrorists care oh so much about public opinion in the United States? Which is understandable if the public of the United States are stupid enough to not know that their opinion is being formulated by the media showing them pictures that were created by the terrorists...

I think Snow just called the American public stupid... or the American Media terrorists...

I'm tired and need a nap...

Sunday, October 08, 2006

North Korea Tests Bomb

So it's all over the news at the moment, it just came up in the Australian Parliament during question time, the rumors are true North Korea has the bomb.

At the moment there is some alledged expert talking on the BBC saying N. Korea is merely flexing its muscles in some sort of attempt to dissuade the US from invading. Something that just crossed my mind, and keeping in your mind that it is mid afternoon at my location, how could this be a surprise, in under 12 hours time the United Nations is expected to vote a South Korean Foreign Minister to become the next UN Sec-Gen.

N. Korea along with Iran and everyone's favourite President Hugo Chavez always remind me of the pain in the neck family member who will do anything to obtain the attention that is being diverted towards another sibling! However, it's only me that's saying that...

Aussie PM John Howard said the following in Parliament when asked for information by the leader of the opposition...

"In those circumstances I would condemn, and I would assume I would have the unanimous agreement of the House in doing so, the test in the strongest possible terms."This issue represents a great challenge to the United Nations," he said.

"If the United Nations is to come up to scratch on this issue ... It will win great respect and an enhanced reputation, but if the United Nations fails to act effectively against this outrage from North Korea it will represent a further diminution of its authority."

Saturday, October 07, 2006

Interesting Text Message Received....

As avid readers of the Misguided Trio blog are no doubt aware, the Queensland state election was held some four (4) weeks ago. Given this fact I was quite surprised to receive this text message via SMS this morning at 0730 on the 8th of October....

'Don't forget to vote today: want more taxis at night on the Gold Coast? Vote Ray Stevens for Robina'
From: Gold Coast

First and foremost I didn't forget to vote, I do want more taxis on the Gold Coast but not necessarily at night, I did not vote for Ray Stevens...

I am not to sure about the legality of such messages and have forwarded a complaint to the Queensland Electoral Commision, whose response I shall post as soon as possible...

A message from the misguided geriatric...

Apologies for this belated posting, things have been a little busy around here lately, no excuse I know, but I shall aspire to be better...

Received an email from the Misguided Geriatric suggesting that this quote from a German field Marshall made during the Nuremberg Trials, reminded him of someone else, somewhere else, a whole lot more recently....

"Well of course we don't want war, why should some poor person on a farm want to risk his life in a war when the best he can hope for is to come back to his farm in one piece... ... That is understood, but after all it is the leaders of a country who determine the policy and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along whether it is a democracy or a fascist dictatorship or a parliament or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can always be bought to the bidding of the leaders, that is easy. All you have to do is tell them that they are being attacked and denounce passivism for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in any country."
-Herman Goering