Monday, May 19, 2008

US Presidential Race

I've held back for a while, for no particular reason, on blogging in relation to the US presidential race, but time to change... As the candidates are falling into place, YouTube is becoming even more popular a channel for conveying political opinion...

I was mildly amused at McCain's comments re- Obama's Experience (see entire article here.)

CHICAGO (AP) - Republican John McCain accused Democrat Barack Obama of inexperience and reckless judgment for saying Iran does not pose the same serious threat to the United States as the Soviet Union did in its day.

McCain made the attack Monday in Chicago, Obama's home turf.

"Such a statement betrays the depth of Senator Obama's inexperience and reckless judgment. These are very serious deficiencies for an American president to possess," McCain said in an appearance at the restaurant industry's annual meeting.

My reason for such amusement, well, obviously Mr McCain believes that singing about bombing a sovereign territory dictates experience and sound judgment, something the rest of the world continually wishes an American president WOULD possess.

And because I have really enjoyed posting video this week, I through in this Robert Greenwald doozy, on the aforementioned Senator...

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